Reality News

03 July 2006

Well after a very long journey, for some longer than others, we arrived at Ardeonaig at about 2pm. We got in to our groups for the Reality Highland games which involved the tyre toss, beat the goalie, and chuck the welly amongst other things. Followed by a good school-sports day egg and spoon and three legged race. Everyone seemed to enjoy being outside in one of the most beautiful parts of Scotland and generally chilling out. In the evening we had some wide games and a magnificent game of the ministers cap which everyone seemed to love. Teams A,B,C and D were renamed Team Xtreme, Boggies, The crazy Cs and The Staved Taes respectively, needless to say quite imaginative actions and sound-effects go with them!
After a long bus ride going to bed was hard, especially as many of these young people dont normally go to bed or get up at times even remotely similar to the times at camp, and so quite a long night of coaxing and cautioning was had with everyone finally getting to sleep at about 3!


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