Reality News

04 August 2006

Ardgour 306 - Update 3

Thank you so much for your prayers to date.
Graeme was very up this morning when he phoned in. The weather has started off sunny - although it is now a little cloudy, it is still warm and there appears to be a breeze which is encouraging for those on the canoeing expedition which involves rafting and sailing !! The other group is off mountain biking at Rannoch Moor and both will be the subjects of Chad's time there today as he is making a video and taking publicity photos. He just caught the last ferry across last night !!
Yesterday went well and the camp has by and large settled down. it was necessary for me to take off to the Green Welly at Tyndrum yesterday afternoon to pick up a boy and girl from Kirky who were so 'homesick' that they were not prepared to join in anything any longer. This is a great shame especially as the girl is part of Kirsty's Adventure Project which she has sorted out with her Social Worker for the lass to attend a final weekend at Whithaugh at the end of this month. We are not sure how this will work out. The lad actually stays in a residential school in Fife during term time so this was also a bit of a blow. The result was that 2 other girls this morning announced that they were also not going to take part in any activities today, but by the time Graeme called they were in the canoes!!
Please pray for safety and enjoyment in today's programme for all concerned.
This of course not only unsettles the other young people but can have a bit more of a tiring effect on the team. Graeme, recognizing the strain on some, has been able to sort out some time off periods amongst them all on some sort of rotational basis.
Please pray for the team and especially for those who are anxious and feel unable to participate fully in the programme - and the resultant possible stress on the other members. Please pray that GOD will over rule and over ride with his grace and strength.
Yesterday's Time Out session was good (thank you Kath) and the Centre staff think Reality is wonderful and we think they are too!!

Actually, it is this prayer business we are sure that is upholding us all - thank you for your love and concern.


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