We started off with a leaders meeting; a chance to pray and prepare for the day together. Richard led a devotion from Psalms "God heals the broken hearted"
We had a great morning with 2groups gorge-walking, everyone getting very very wet, especially after the big cliff-jump at the end! The children seemed to be glad of a challenge and really seemed to enjoy themselves. The other 2groups were canoeing and unfortunately 2young people were unable to follow the safety instructions of the instructors and were making it difficutl for others to enjoy the activity and so were brought back to the centre early.
After lunch 2groups went to enjoy canoeing and the other two did low ropes and archery.
Having great weather meant that after the activities there was lots of fun to be had playing outside or playing football.
Unfortunately, perhaps tired from the night before, some of the young people seemed to be struggling with the routine and several problems arose. Having spoken to the young people everyone said they are having a brilliant time and have no desire to return home. Despite several warnings one boy seemed unable to cope with camp and so we made the difficult decision that for the harmony and benefit of the other young people it was time to send him home. Richard and Kirsty drove to Hawick returning to Ardeonaig at 4am. Sometimes as youth workers we feel that we just have to get on with it and that we arent allowed to be upset, but I think all of us were deeply distressed about the situation, concerned for the young person who didnt want to go but was unable to stay. "God heals the broken hearted"; this morning I felt that that God was speaking to us about the children but now know that it refers to us all. Please pray for the young boy who is finding life quite difficult and had to go home, and pray for the young people who have remained, that they will be able to settle into a camp which we hope will become a great memory for each of them.
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